"Kid X" Hits New High

The Kid Strikes Again!
Back in December Kid X's new mixtape, "3 Quarter Pace" reached half a million downloads respectively from his South African supporters in just a week! After dropping on the artists birthday of October 13th, in the past few months the project has reached a level that even Kid X did not think was possible. The mixtape was originally released as a free download from his website but since his recent success, he has since decided to release it in retail outlets such as Itunes for paid downloads. It debuted at number two on the Itunes Hip Hop Charts and is even still amongst the Top 5 albums to sell in the category.
The mixtape has been well received with mind boggling reviews from Kid X fans on the internet, "SA should applaud greatness: This is an awesome piece of work. It’s complete and sounds great as a whole. From track one till the last one. Worth the money, respect KiD X,” stated one online reviewer. And Kid X even adds:
“The response to this body of work has been amazing and I am happy that people understood the story I was telling. The sound I am coming with right now is different from anything I have ever done and people are looking at it and rating it purely on that. The songs I make are songs that I like, they are my soundtrack when I wake up and go into Kid X mode. This is the kind of music that fuels me and I am excited that people out there are getting the message."
Make sure you support the local talent and take a listen to some of his past, present and future projects at the link above to his Facebook page!